Home » School Announcements » Coronavirus Update 16.03.20

Coronavirus Update 16.03.20

Assalaamu Alaikum

Dear Parents & Volunteers

Further to my previous email, after consulting with our school Management team and Board of Trustees a decision has been taken to close the School of Islamic Studies with immediate effect until after the Easter break insha Allah.

This means students will miss the following 2 Sundays, one of which would have been for the end of Term 2 tests. As a result, these tests will now be deferred to Sunday 19th April which is our scheduled start for Term 3 insha Allah. Revision material/topics will be circulated where possible.

We will continue to monitor the situation and advise of any extended period of closure should it become necessary.

During this period, if you or any member of your family/friends are unfortunate enough to test positive for Coronavirus please can we request you notify us immediately or complete a form on our website https://sis.mkis.org

Notifying us will enable the wider school community to follow self isolation guidelines and limit the impact of exposure insha Allah.

Jazakoum’Allah Khayr for your understanding and support. This is a difficult time for all people so please continue to remember us all in your duas.