Milton Keynes Islamic Society (MKIS) is a UK registered charity (1077040). Currently Milton Keynes Islamic Society’s primary function is to oversee the operational activities of the School of Islamic Studies (SIS). The role of SIS lies within the context of the Society’s mission statement:
“To provide a stimulating Islamic educational environment of high quality that helps children develop an Islamic identity and sense of belonging to the Muslim community.”
By the Grace of Allah (SWT) our school has been running since 1989. The school was initially set up to fill the gap which existed, and still exits, within Muslim children’s Islamic education.
All of us at the SIS are aware of the importance and the large influence education has on a child’s life, helping in shaping their character and mindset. There is an incredible responsibility placed on Muslim parents and teachers to integrate the knowledge of the mind with the knowledge of the heart.
We recognise that Islamic education must primarily teach everyone to be able to simply think Islamically in all regards. Thinking Islamically means more than simply memorising a few Surahs or dua’as; it is encompassing the ability to differentiate right from wrong and good from bad.
We also recognise that there is a difference between teaching a child and telling a child, the difference is, WHY….?
We want our children to have an understanding of why we do things, together with how they should be performed. Our actions should be based as closely as possible with the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and as understood and practiced by the first three generations of Muslims – all based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah, implementing these in every aspect of our life.
Let us work for the children of today and prepare for the generations of tomorrow, Insha-Allah.
With any work which is based on Haq, there are always difficulties. Therefore, we require your help, support and patience to make this much needed school a success, Insha-Allah.
Should you have any questions, comments, concerns or compliments, please feel free to contact us as we are always happy to hear from you and will always do our best to deal with any issues to the best of our abilities.
May Allah (SWT) accept all our efforts as good deeds to benefit us in this life and the hereafter, A’ameen.
Allah(SWT) says, “Help one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety) but do not help one another in sin and transgression”. (Al-Qur’an: Al-Maidah 5:2)
May Allah make this school a fruitful source of
education for all our children and for us,