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Arabic Studies Class 4 Term 3 Test 2020-21

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1-Which of the following best describes the rule of Qalqalah in Tajweed 

2 / 12

2- How many Qalqalah instances in total. 

- قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ
- وَمَاۤ اَدۡرٰٮكَ مَا الطَّارِق
- ‏خُلِقَ مِنۡ مَّآءٍ دَافِقٍۙ‏
- وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰ
- فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ

3 / 12

3- Which of the following best describes the rule ofالإظهار Al-Idhar 

4 / 12

4- How many Throat Letters below

ء  ف  ط  ج  ر
ث  ل  ك ح  ش
ع  هـ  س  ن  ب

5 / 12

5- Which of the following best describes the rule of Al-Iqlaab 

6 / 12

6- How many Iqlaab instances occur in the following examples: 

سَمِيعَاً بَصِيراً

منْ بَعْدِ


كَلَّا لَيُنْبَذَنَّ

أوْلِي الْأَمْر

7 / 12

7-which English Translation best describes the Arabic words below 

مِنْ، إلَى، لِ، عَلَى، فِي

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8. If a preposition (in Q7 مِنْ، إلَى، لِ، عَلَى، فِي) is added to a word, which Harakah will the word end with :

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9- Which English Translation best describes the Arabic words below. 

متى -من - أين - كيف- ما

10 / 12

10- How many superiority words in the 3 Ayahs below 

فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ

أنَا أَكْثَرُ مِنْكَ مَالاً

أَتَستَبْدِلُونَ الذِي هُو أَدْنى بالذِي هُوَ خَيْر

11 / 12

11- Which English Translation best describes the Arabic Duaa below. 

رَبَّنَا آ تِنَا فِي الدنْيَا حَسَنَة وَفِي الأخِرَةِ حَسَنَة وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّار

12 / 12

12 When the letter khaa follows a noon saakinah, which tajweed rule must be exercised?